Ames High Mock Trial Informational Meeting

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This is not a library sponsored event.

Purpose of Meeting

Mock trial is designed to introduce students to our legal system by providing a challenging, academic competition. The program offers students an opportunity for personal growth and achievement, emphasizing the importance of research, presentation and teamwork. Students 9th through 12th grade form teams of 8-10 students. These teams routinely meet through the months of January - March for the purpose of reading the assigned case, creating a trial strategy, and preparing for their Regional Competition. Our regional competition will be held in Ames, on March 9, 2023. The Ames High Mock Trial program hopes to house two full teams this year. While we have several returning students, we are still looking for additional members. All students 9th through 12th grade are eligible to audition for the team. We are just opening the season and this will be our first large gathering/informational meeting.